Moment for Mission
"I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I am in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing." – John 15:5, NRSV
Today many United Methodist churches will observe the Festival of God's Creation, a day to celebrate our loving Creator's gift of our world. We observe this festival on the Sunday closest to Earth Day, April 22. Our United Methodist Social Principles remind us that "God has granted us stewardship of creation." This is not a responsibility we can take lightly; we believe that "we should meet these stewardship duties through acts of loving care and respect."
Our belief in caring for this world that God has entrusted to us goes beyond simply enjoying what God has provided and moves us into action. The General Board of Church and Society leads the church in pursuing environmental justice. The efforts we make as The United Methodist Church include increasing the availability of clean water, working toward food justice, advocating for and addressing issues related to climate justice, and helping communities to acquire and maintain sustainability.
The General Board of Church and Society helps us continue to express our beliefs through our gifts to the World Service Fund apportionment. This is just part of what the World Service Fund supports; yet, it is an important facet of us living out our commitment to stewardship and bearing fruit in our witness and service in the world.
Offertory Prayer
Creator of all, we are grateful for this earth you have filled with an abundance of life and resources. We have not always shown love and care for this earth with which you have entrusted us. Grant that we might give generously toward restoring and caring for this life-sustaining gift of earth. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries: Fourth Sunday of Easter – O Lord, you are the good shepherd! Your son Jesus laid down his life for all who belong to you. Thank you for nurturing our life and sustaining our faith. In gratitude, we want to help others to know your love. Open our ears to listen to your voice. Open our eyes to see our brothers and sisters in need as sheep of your flock. May our tithes and offerings give voice to Christ's love for all people, especially those who have gone astray. Amen. (John 10:11-18)
Newsletter Nugget
In The United Methodist Church, the care of God's beautiful earth is not limited to the one day we celebrate the Festival of God's Creation. Rather, the General Board of Church and Society works year-round to keep before us our responsibility to care for creation. The board points The United Methodist Church toward seeking justice in all the ways we live and love the earth and our neighbors. This is accomplished by creating resources for local churches and annual conferences empowering congregations to become more engaged in life practices that respect the created world in which we live.
The General Board of Society is committed to the work of food justice and sustainability, helping people with little or no access to food in ways that will have a long-lasting impact and moving communities toward sustainability through resources, information and advocacy. This work is made possible by our support of the World Service Fund.