Local Church Leadership

Most Christian ministry happens at the local church level. ResourceUMC exists to support local church leaders—both clergy and laity—by providing practical tools and resources, such as a monthly planner, worship and liturgical materials, communications tools, stewardship resources, and more. We offer resources tailored to men, women and different age-levels, as well as tools to help congregations welcome new people and reach out to their communities.

The Annual Conference page provides resources for treasurers, trustees, business administrators, and church council chairpersons involved in the administrative side of local church ministry. It offers guidance on stewardship, e-giving, and strategic planning for the future of the denomination.

Tools, tips, and resources for offering ministries to senior adults, adults, young adults, students, high school, elementary, preschool, toddlers, and nursery aged individuals

Ministry by, with and for women supports spiritual growth individually and in community, encourages them to be leaders and advocates and recognizes the unique needs that come with life stages.

Inviting people to your church and genuinely welcoming those who come — for one Sunday or every week — is an art.