August 13 — Ministerial Education Fund

Moment for Mission

"But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him?" — Romans 10:14, NRSV

As United Methodists, we are committed to making disciples for the transformation of the world.  Communicating the gospel is an essential part of making disciples.

While the truth of the gospel remains the same, the world of communication is in a constant state of change with new developments in technology. Even the means of communicating the transforming love of Christ to the world has become more complex. While we are all called to be a part of this important work of discipleship, our clergy, those charged with proclaiming the word of God, have the task of communicating the gospel in the midst of these rapid changes in the ways we communicate. 

One of the ways we support our clergy, and the task they have been called and commissioned to complete, is through our apportioned giving to the Ministerial Education Fund.

These funds are used to support the seminaries our ministers attend, ensuring that our clergy are best equipped to proclaim the gospel. The Ministerial Education Fund also is used for recruiting clergy, assisting clergy in completing course of study education, as well as for scholarships for seminary students through annual conferences.

Our generous giving to the Ministerial Education Fund allows our clergy to be prepared to meet the world with the gospel. 

Offertory Prayer

God of love, we thank you for those who have heard your call to teach and preach your good news.  Open our hearts that we might be moved to share out of the gifts we have received from you that we might be a part of sharing your story of love and redemption with the world around us. Amen. 

From Discipleship Ministries: Tenth Sunday After Pentecost – God of peace, you are kind and generous to all who seek you. You are the Good Shepherd of a vast flock. But we can be like stubborn sheep, showing favoritism like Jacob or struggling with jealousy like Joseph's brothers. Help us to turn away from the competition for more. Incline our hearts to compassion for our neighbors so that we will give freely from what we have received. We pray this through Christ our Lord, who loves each sheep and seeks each one that is lost. Amen. (Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28)

Newsletter Nugget

Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans, "and how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him?"

Studying and proclaiming the gospel is the vital work of the church in the world.

Much of that work is carried out through the preaching and teaching of ministers in our local congregations.

The Ministerial Education Fund is one of seven apportioned funds that local congregations collectively support as a part of our regular giving. The fund is instrumental in recruiting, training and educating those who serve and will serve the church as our ordained elders and deacons.

Our local clergy make the church's work of making disciples for the transformation of the world a possibility. By studying and interpreting Scripture, they are able to communicate the good news in ways that provide insight and inspiration for congregations to live out the gospel in word and deed, in their homes and neighborhoods.

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