Bishop Mande Muyombo is the Resident Bishop of the North Katanga Area, which includes North Katanga, Tanganyika and Tanzania conferences in the Congo Central Conference of The United Methodist Church.

Bishop Mande Muyombo was born in a poor family in Kambove village in Haut Katanga province. His father had two wives and 16 children.
Muyombo was an executive of the General Board of Global Ministries when he was elected on the fourth ballot during the Congo Central Conference in 2017. He is the first graduate of Africa University to be elected bishop and the youngest episcopal leader in the central conference.
Bishop Muyombo holds a Bachelor’s (Department of Theology) and master’s Degree (IPLG) from Africa University as well as master’s Degree in Theology and Doctor of Ministry from Saint Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, USA.
After working as President of Kamina Methodist University, he served as the Executive Secretary for Africa at the General Board of Global Ministries and was subsequently promoted to Assistant General Secretary in the Missions and Evangelism Department.
Bishop Muyombo is married to Blandine Mujinga, an Africa University alumna and they have three daughters and a son.
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