More than 2,500 attendees, including general agencies of The United Methodist Church, gathered in Daytona Beach, Florida for 'Youth 2023'. This quadrennial youth event, organized by Discipleship Ministries, was packed with a multitude of activities such as worship sessions, workshops, Bible study, fellowship time, and service opportunities.
Connor Prusha leads an introductory devotional. Photo by Aileen Delgado, UMCOM.
A highlight of the event was the inspiring workshop titled "Using Your Gifts to Generate Good", facilitated by Connor Prusha, Beverly Wilkinson and Aileen Delgado of United Methodist Communications (UMCOM).
Deeply rooted in biblical teachings, “Using Your Gifts to Generate Good” sought to enlighten the youth about the multitude of ways God communicates with us through scripture, affirming that each one of us is uniquely designed to make a difference in the world. It emphasized the myriad opportunities available to serve within and through the UMC, aiming to heal and restore peace in a world where it often appears absent.
The workshop highlighted multiple resources available throughout the denomination like Ministry Tracks, by UMCOM, a Spiritual Gifts Inventory, by Discipleship Ministries; it provided an opportunity for youth and youth leaders to engage in a Q&A panel conversation with deacons, elders, laity and global mission fellows; and it introduced youth, who may be considering college majors, to learn about accredited ministry tracks.
Rev. Mikayla Kovacik (left), Beverly Wilkinson (middle), and Precious Kufarimai answer questions about responding to their call to ministry. Photo by Aileen Delgado, UMCOM.
Wilkinson noted that although there are ministry opportunities available, youth don’t have to have it all figured out. She stated, “I want youth to know that where they are right now is ok. Taking the next step is ok. Just focus on who you are, focus on creating your identity in Christ, and everything else will come.”
Prusha reaffirmed this statement by saying, “you don’t necessarily need to work in the church to love Jesus and still be effective but we want [youth] to know that there are avenues to serve and be a part of the church and make a difference in the world.”
Our hope at United Methodist Communications is that you can use a reformatted outline of this workshop to inspire your youth to use their God-given gifts to generate good in the world.
Download a pdf of the session outline here.
Note: This session was presented as a workshop to over 200 youth 07/26- 07/27 at YOUTH 2023 in Daytona Beach, FL. It has been formatted to be used in a local church setting. Contact: [email protected]
Aileen Delgado is Senior Manager of Hispanic/Latino Leader Communications at United Methodist Communications, Nashville, TN., USA.