GCSRW Thanks Elaine Moy for Her Faithful Years of Service to the Commission

CHICAGO— After over 20 years of service to the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (GCSRW), Elaine Moy has taken an opportunity to become the Senior Director for Development, Finance, and Institutional Equity at the General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR). Moy’s last day with GCSRW was January 8th, 2021.

While at GCSRW, Moy served as the Assistant General Secretary. Throughout her time at GCSRW, she represented the agency at meetings throughout the denomination, helped coordinate monitoring at General Conference, wrote articles for Women by the Numbers, and assisted with the administration work of GCSRW.

“Elaine will be missed at the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women as a colleague and as a friend,” General Secretary Dawn Wiggins Hare stated. “Please join me in praying that she has much success in her transition. GCORR will be blessed to receive Elaine with all of her many talents and gifts.”

“We are thankful for the many years of faithful service Elaine has given to the General Commission on The Status and Role of Women,” GCSRW board president Bishop Tracy S. Malone said. “I pray God’s blessing upon her as she continues to offer her gifts, leadership and expertise in service to the mission of the Church.”


The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women advocates for full participation of women in the total life of The United Methodist Church. GCSRW helps the church recognize every person – clergy and lay, women and men, adults and children – as full and equal parts of God’s human family. They believe that a fully engaged and empowered membership is vital to The United Methodist Church’s mission "to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”

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